About The Annual Fund

Fund donations are tax-deductible.  Tuition payments are not.  Annual Fund donations are the lifeblood of the school.  Donations from parents, alumni, and friends allow the funding of programs and projects beyond what the basic budget can accommodate.  These contributions enable Gatewood Schools to recruit and retain talented faculty, provide scholarships and financial aid, enhance academic programs, and keep the facilities up to date.

Annual Fund 2023-2024
Goal:  $175,000

Thank you for considering a donation to our Annual Fund!  Unrestricted annual giving dollars are essential to the daily operation of our school, and we count on it to effectively run the business of our school each year. Did you know that tuition only covers roughly 75% of what it takes to operate our school? Funding must come from other sources and The Annual Fund fulfills many of our needs. This fund enables us to:

  • Have exceptional academic instruction and curriculum.
  • Maintain a safe, secure, and beautiful environment for our children to spend their time.
  • Acquire and maintain an excellent staff of teachers, faculty members, and administration.

Giving to The Annual Fund shows your support and confidence in our mission…”Inspiring Academic Excellence with Honor and Christian Influences”. In addition, greater participation is a major factor when we apply for other funding from outside sources such as grants and foundation gifts. A higher percentage of participation shows that our families and friends are serious about the quality of our school and our chances greatly improve to receive these additional funds.

Remember, Gatewood Schools, Inc., is a not-for-profit tax-exempt private school organized under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions made to this organization are tax-deductible. Consult your tax professional for your individual circumstances.

Should you have any questions or need anything at all, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Marie Rainey, Director of Development and Alumni Relations.

Company Matching Gifts

Many companies provide matching gifts to the employees. Please check with your personnel director to see if your company is a participant in a matching gifts program. The School will be glad to assist in completing paperwork upon receipt of your gift.